Kerrelyn Sparks: How to marry a millionaire vampire (2005, Avon Books) 4 stars

So what if he's a bit older and usually regards a human female as dinner, …

Review of 'How to marry a millionaire vampire' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Another Nook free Fiday book that's been sitting on my Nook for a while, until I needed something requiring no brain power to read on the airplane. I got tired of vampire books over a decade ago but parodies I like, and the premise sounded ridiculous enough to be fun:

A 500 year old vampire loses a fang doing something quite embarrassing and then must find a dentist to replace it before his super vampire powers heal his mouth and leave him with a permanently lopsided smile. Whose office should he walk into but Shanna's - a beautiful young dentist who is afraid of blood and is also wanted by the Russian mob. What's a vampire to do??

Bits were very entertaining, in particular the inclusion of a troupe of highland Scotsman vampires in kilts and thick brogue, and the plans for vampire fast-food chains serving Blood Lite and value meals. Other bits were less well written and the author seemed unable to decide whether it was a tongue-in-cheek spoof of the vampire-romance genre or whether it was a Harlequin romance wanna-be. Overall it was an idea with way more potential than it reached, but it still gets 3 stars from me just for the vampires in kilts. Mmm, kilts. =)