Review of 'Blink' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Really interesting book summarizing a number of studies and examples of how the unconscious mind can reach accurate judgements in a "blink" based on information we may not even know we are receiving. The book looks at examples of when it is good, and not so good to rely on these snap decisions, and how they can be influenced.
A very thought-provoking read that covers everything from New Coke (and why it failed) to US military war games (and why they failed), gender bias in professional orchestras (and how it's being eliminated), why a lone police officer is safer on patrol than a pair, and how to predict if a marriage will fail.
Like his first book "Tipping Point" it doesn't necessarily reach any firm conclusions, but raises many intriguing thoughts and questions. A bit more nitty-gritty detail would have been nice, this is really just a quick brush over the surface of these topics, but still worth picking up.