Reviews and Comments

rae mac

Joined 4 years, 1 month ago

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Tommy Orange: There There (2018, Alfred A. Knopf) 4 stars

Not since Sherman Alexie's The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven and Louise Erdrich's …

A beautiful novel from the heart of Oakland

5 stars

"There There" is a great modern novel set in present-day Oakland. I love it because it goes from the philosophical to the practical, to the every day lives of indigenous/native folks. The characters' lives are intertwined in ways that are at times complex but after all, simple. It's a nice easy read that is still able to deal with complex topics of post-colonialism, trauma, healing, and community.

Send it to a friend in Europe who hasn't spent much time in the US/bay area, and read it yourself. It gives significant perspective on what people face here.

Tim Wu: The Master Switch (Hardcover, 2010, Alfred A. Knopf) 4 stars

In this age of an open Internet, it is easy to forget that every American …

Why didn't I learn that in my degree??

4 stars

Every page of this book screams -- why didn't I learn all of this already?? Tim Wu does a great job of investigating the history of technology in the United States, and all of the regulatory intricacies.

I'd give this a 5/5 if it had a little more love on the character of all of these personalities. It sometimes reads a bit too much like a history book and so can get hard to follow, but the content is interesting and applicable enough to our current day to be a definite recommended read for anyone interested in the intersection between innovation and government policy.