Stephen King: 'Salem's Lot (1991, New English Library) 4 stars

Author Ben Mears returns to ‘Salem's Lot to write a book about a house that …

Review of "'Salem's Lot" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars really.

A lot more odd than I thought it would be - the bit at the end was a little random. The beginning is a bit pedestrian, almost awkward compared to more recent books I've read. Then some parts seemed rushed and predictable. In general the pacing was off for me, plot didn't follow very well: some characters seem treated differently to others without it being made clear why. It may be that phenomenon where it's harder to appreciate an influential work if you experienced the derivations first. It may be some of it flew over my head.

I found this more accessible than the only other Stephen King I've read (The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger) which I suspect wouldn't be surprising to others. Went a bit in the deep end there, I think.

I'm not feeling compelled to rush into more of Stephen King for a while so perhaps I liked this less than it seems. Perhaps I just don't get him.