The book No.2 in my Agatha Christie project. Enjoyable, and, surprisingly, with some humor and irony.
Reviews and Comments
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Just another smart fox rated Murder on the Orient Express: 5 stars

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
While en route from Syria to Paris, in the middle of a freezing winter's night, the Orient Express is stopped …
Just another smart fox finished reading Murder at the Vicarage by Agatha Christie (Miss Marple, #2)
Just another smart fox finished reading And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
Just another smart fox rated AI superpowers: 4 stars

AI superpowers by Kai-Fu Lee
The United States has long been the leader in Artificial Intelligence. But Dr. Kai-Fu Lee--one of the world's most respected …
Just another smart fox rated The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle: 5 stars

The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
Gosford Park meets Groundhog Day by way of Agatha Christie and Black Mirror – the most inventive story you'll read …
Just another smart fox rated The 12-week year: 3 stars

The 12-week year by Brian Moran
Explains how to drive productivity and increase results by behaving as though a year was twelve weeks instead of months, …
Just another smart fox finished reading The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton
Just another smart fox finished reading The 12-week year by Brian Moran
Read it in the beginning of the year. I stumbled on it somehow accidentally, but, of course, being the start of the year, how not to read some quick planning/gtd/being successful book. The basic idea is simple: live in 12 weeks chunk, easier to plan, easier to implement, easier to adjust. Some good tools, as always everything after is implementation. One tool in the toolbox.

Revoliucijos veidas moteriškas. Baltarusijos atvejis by Olga Shparaga
Po 2020 m. suklastotų Baltarusijos prezidento rinkimų rezultatų baltarusių visuomenė sukilo, o vaizdai iš tūkstantinių protestų apskriejo visą pasaulį. Nuo …