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Rhett Rogers Locked account

Joined 1 year, 6 months ago

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Rhett Rogers's books

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2025 Reading Goal

8% complete! Rhett Rogers has read 1 of 12 books.

reviewed The "Volunteer" by D. H. Jonathan (The "Volunteer", #1)

D. H. Jonathan: The "Volunteer" (Paperback, 2016, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform) 4 stars

Many people dream of being at work or school only to realize that they are …

An interesting read

4 stars

It was good. Not the most amazing book in the world but I think it tried to convey the #naturist ideology very well. It did bother me slightly because the student had some exhibitionist tendencies (becoming sexually aroused when being the only one naked) which is not what naturism is about. But in the end of the book she goes to a naturist park and she realizes she doesn't get aroused when she is not the only one naked. I think there are some true ideas coming through that most of the world wants to try and ignore.

Victoria Bateman: Naked Feminism (Hardcover, 2023, Polity Press) 4 stars

Is it right that, despite the promises of feminism, women’s bodies remain at the mercy …

The answer to our problems should not be to enforce conformity, but to challenge the whole notion of modesty norms; to stop judging one another on the basis of our bodily modesty; to let every person dress as they wish; to not assume that uncovered women are 'trashy' and can be treated as 'meat', or that modest women are 'victims' and 'prudes'.

Naked Feminism by  (Page 210)