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Rhett Rogers Locked account

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Rhett Rogers's books

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8% complete! Rhett Rogers has read 1 of 12 books.

Victoria Bateman: Naked Feminism (Hardcover, 2023, Polity Press) 4 stars

Is it right that, despite the promises of feminism, women’s bodies remain at the mercy …

But, to get the best outcome for yourself, you have to outdo other women in terms of modesty, pointing out where you are doing better, and where they have 'fallen', Modesty Is a relative thing; for one woman to be modest, another must be deemed immodest. It is one of the reasons women slut shame: to signal that they do not approve of, or engage in, immodest behaviour, taking the opportunity to mark themselves out as more 'worthy. In other words, modesty is not necessarily enforced by the sisterhood in order to 'protect’ one another, it can also be the outcome of intra-female competition in a world in which making the best of a bad situation involves playing the game.

Naked Feminism by  (Page 208)

This could be applied to a lot of things in life but it is especially obvious with this example. In order for you to be better, others have to be worse

Victoria Bateman: Naked Feminism (Hardcover, 2023, Polity Press) 4 stars

Is it right that, despite the promises of feminism, women’s bodies remain at the mercy …

Points out the ignored obvious

4 stars

A fascinating rethinking of society and its flaws around women. “Naked feminism” sounds like a contradiction but it truly makes sense. We all should have the ability to choose, no one should be forced to do the “right thing”.