
The years between the Civil War and the end of the nineteenth century saw the …

Review of 'American Colossus' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Great book! It's a fascinating look at the late 19th century and is still relevant today!

- You see similar politics in the late 1800's. The system is gridlocked. Citizens feel fed up with Washington. Rise & fall of political parties.

- Populist movements. Against politics. Against corporations. Against Wall Street.
Then. Fight against railroads. Hatred towards Wall Street. Fight for silver. Farmers vs. Manufacturing
Now. Black Lives Matter. Tea Party. Occupy Wall Street. 99% vs. 1% Manufacturing vs. Services

- Similar capitalist dynamics. Large corporations take an increasingly large share of the economic pie

- Labor vs. Capital
Then. Strikes/violence against Corporations. Sherman Anti Trust Act
Now. Stagnating wages. Corporations have an increasing larger share of economic pie