Tom Limoncelli, Thomas Limoncelli: Time management for system administrators (2006, O'Reilly) 4 stars

Chapter 9 didn't really land for me, I can already hardly remember it. On the one hand I think I'm pretty good at handling stress generally, on the other hand I feel like in recent years I've lost the ability to relax...

I used to get a lot of enjoyment out of just playing video games, I feel guilty when I play now. I used to relax by reading, taking a bath, or watching TV. These are all just distractions at the moment.

The only real thing that I can say relaxes me at the moment is finishing personal projects. Or at least making progress on them.

But also I feel like generally I'm not terrible at not letting things get to me. Of course there are exceptions.

I guess I think I'm better at removing stresses from my life rather than relaxing. Although the occasional meditation/breathing exercise helps too.