Mariah Carey: The Meaning of Mariah Carey (Hardcover, 2020, Andy cohen books) 4 stars

All over my elegant fresh linguine. Nooooooo!

5 stars

You know what, Bookwyrm might be better than Goodreads simply based on half stars and not dictating what each one represents.

Anyway, super impressed with the audiobook. There’s moments where Mariah’s as campy as can be, and others where you hear her voice break as she bares her soul. Oh, and she sings! Songs from her albums that this casual radio listener wasn’t familiar with, but it’s fascinating to hear them as she tells the stories that inspired her lyrics. Highly, highly recommend.

Another reason Bookwyrm might be better than Goodreads: You don't have to pass the librarian quiz and /still/ wait years to be blessed with the ability to edit book & author data. You can just do it.

(Yes, I /am/ talking to myself/playing around on this site again, it's fine.)