Raven Kaldera: Kneeling in Spirit (Paperback, Alfred Press.) 5 stars

Informative yet Intimate Read about Submissives with Disabilities

5 stars

The anthology centres the diverse experiences of eight submissives with physical disabilities, both hetero and queer, many of them in long-term relationships. They not only share their kinky lives with the readers, but also give practical insights about playing as/with subs with varying impairments and support needs (e.g. wheelchair use, paraplegia, chronic pain and fatigue, loss of vision) and supporting them as their partners. Experience reports by five proficient dominants complete the book. This has been an informative yet emotionally intimate read on an important topic that is not enough talked about. Being able-bodied is a privilege many of us don't think about on a day-to-day basis. Disabled kinksters face many barriers to entry to the community and are mostly invisible in kinky media, unless it's in the form of fetishization. However, a many of us will acquire disabilities in the course of our lives, be it through a medical condition, an accident or old age. This issue concerns all of us! The book shows that being kinky and physically disabled are not mutually exclusive, especially if you're getting creative in your play, and breaks with stereotypes about disability and 'the perfect submissive'. It is also part of a series of anthologies about kink and disability. CW: There are mentions of negative self-talk and (internalized) ableism aswell as negative experiences in relationships.