Greer Macallister: The Thirteenth Husband (Hardcover, 2024, Sourcebooks Landmark) 4 stars

Tearing through millions of dollars, four continents, and a hearty collection of husbands, real-life heiress …

Mystical, Mysterious Historical Fiction

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Aimee Crocker is an heiress who lived by her own rules between the 19th and 20th centuries. The Thirteenth Husband recounts her life, marked by her major relationships.

This was an intriguing read, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting acquainted with the fictionalized version of the real-life Aimee Crocker. Hers was a life with the sort of twists, turns, travels, and love affairs that only money can buy. If you're unaware of Crocker's life story, the plot of The Thirteenth Husband offers surprises, and the use of language is serviceable: no lofty literary turns here, but that helps to enhance Crocker's voice and eliminate fluff that could take away from the story.

If you love a biography but wish it were more infused with the fantastical, this book is for you. It doesn't skimp on mystery and the mystical in the midst of its realism. And the framing device that anchors the story is wonderful.