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Joined 1 year, 8 months ago

I'm a video game programmer/teacher and I love reading books. Recently I've been learning Mandarin and I'm sure trying to get to a level where I can read Chinese books as well.

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Simon's books

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Echtzeitalter (Hardcover) 4 stars

Deutscher Buchpreis 2023

«Ein Roman, der grundsätzlich den richtigen Ton trifft, zwischen spöttischer Distanz, Analyse …

Spannend zu lesen

4 stars

Durchwegs spannend zu lesen, teilweise auch wirklich witzig und gut auf den Punkt gebracht. Insgesamt aber eher Fastfood-Lektüre, ich hätte mir nach den guten Kritiken und dem Deutschen Buchpreis 2023 mehr Substanz erwartet.

Michele Boldrin: Against Intellectual Monopoly (2008, Cambridge University Press) 4 stars

Not very good

3 stars

Some interesting takes. Unfortunately the authors present a lot of questionable "evidence" that is mostly anecdotal and often outdated. For example, they argue that the book market in the 19th century worked fine with no copyright laws, and use that as "proof" that today's copyright laws are hindering the free market. I also don't like the name-dropping where the authors use quotes from famous people to prove their point, e.g. "According to Bill Gates - hardly your radical communist or utopist - 'if people had understood how patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete standstill today.'" I could not finish the book because it got tedious. Most arguments were heavily biased and the rhethoric was often questionable.