The only thing I criticize is the chapter on population growth. Ignore that section and the rest of the book is pretty solid.
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13% complete! A.Z. Device has read 4 of 30 books.
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A.Z. Device finished reading Toward a transpersonal ecology by Warwick Fox
A.Z. Device started reading Toward a transpersonal ecology by Warwick Fox
A.Z. Device finished reading Ways of Being by James Bridle
Ways of Being by James Bridle
What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans, or shared with other beings--beings of flesh, …
A.Z. Device finished reading The real work by Gary Snyder
A.Z. Device set a goal to read 30 books in 2025
A.Z. Device finished reading The Author of the Acacia Seeds by Ursula K. Le Guin
A.Z. Device started reading Ways of Being by James Bridle
Ways of Being by James Bridle
What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans, or shared with other beings--beings of flesh, …
A.Z. Device finished reading Tao Te Ching by Tzu Lao
A.Z. Device started reading Illuminations by Walter Benjamin (Schocken paperbacks -- SB241)
Illuminations by Walter Benjamin, Walter Bejamin (Schocken paperbacks -- SB241)
A.Z. Device finished reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. by William Shakespeare (Annotated English classics)
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. by William Shakespeare (Annotated English classics)
Presents the original text of Shakespeare's play side by side with a modern version, discusses the author and the theater …