
reviewed Half-off ragnarok by Seanan McGuire (InCryptid - Ghost Roads 2013, #4)

Seanan McGuire: Half-off ragnarok (2014) 4 stars

When Alex Price agreed to go to Ohio to oversee a basilisk breeding program and …

Review of 'Half-off ragnarok' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I really enjoy McGuire's InCryptid series.

Alex Price is a cryptozoologist, studying animals most don't believe exist. Things get complicated when people start showing up dead and petrified around the zoo he works at.

McGuire does a really good job portraying characters and the messes they get themselves into. The entire Price family has adapted to laugh in the face of danger, and that brings well needed levity among a murder mystery plot.

Really fun book and series.