
reviewed Ragweed by Avi (Tales from Dimwood Forest)

Avi: Ragweed (2000, HarperTrophy) 4 stars

Ragweed, a young country mouse, leaves his family and travels to the big city, where …

Ragweed by Avi

4 stars

Another read with the kiddo. This series has been really fun!

This is a prequel to "Poppy" featuring the adventures of her boyfriend(?) Ragweed as he leaves home in the country and heads to the big city.

I really enjoyed the way the mouse culture in the city was so different. There's a skateboard punk mouse and lots of characters referring to each other as "dude". I may have used my best Bill & Ted impression when reading the dialogue to the kiddo.

Definitely a fun read. There's some tension with local cats that feels at the same time silly and full of real threat.