Ben H. Winters: The Last Policeman (Paperback, 2012, Quirk Books) 4 stars

The Last Policeman is a 2012 American science fiction mystery novel by Ben H. Winters. …

Review of 'The Last Policeman (The Last Policeman, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I don't remember how this book landed on my pile. But I am really glad it did. In the end I gave it three stars, but I was close to giving it four. I really enjoyed the premise. To me, the series is what science fiction is about. It doesn't need spaceships and robots. Science fiction explores how things would be if the world was different. In this case the big difference is the deadline for all life on earth. A big asteroid is headed towards earth and society is breaking apart. And amidst all this, The Last Policeman is still working a case. I really liked that. It's mostly a murder mystery where the author imagined how that would be if the world was about to die.

Recommended if you like crime novels and sci-fi.