Brandon Sanderson: Skyward (2017, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 4 stars


Now pilots are the heroes of what's …

Review of 'Skyward' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I started reading this, even though I do not have a good track record with Sanderson's YA stuff. And Skyward did nothing to change that for the better. The AI was extremely annoying and I don't know whether I felt that way just because I am a grumpy old man. Sensa was an OK character, although her traits were laid on a bit thick. I did like the general story, Sanderson is just really good with those. And that is the only thing which makes me come back to his YA novels, because otherwise they are what gives YA a bad rep (in my grumpy old man's opinion).

One thing I really dislike about Sanderson, though, is this attempt to have clean swearing. That just feels dishonest to me. His characters swear a god-damn fuck-ton, or scudding scud-ton as someone from Skyward would put it. But he gets too feel good, because he didn't type fuck, shit or hell. Instead he makes his readers say those words in their heads. It's like the Smurfs attempt at swearing and I don't like it.

Overall I will probably come back to the series to skim it for the interesting, story-relevant nuggets hidden in the swamp of annoying YA crap.