Dave Grohl: The Storyteller (Hardcover, 2021, Dey Street Books) 4 stars

Having entertained the idea for years, and even offered a few questionable opportunities ("It's a …

Review of 'The Storyteller' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I feel that for music to have some impact on you it needs to have been part of the soundtrack of your life. For some reason, the Foo Fighters (1995) music never featured in the soundtrack of my life, so now on listening to their back catalogue, only one or two songs were familiar to me. I do have the memory of buying Nevermind (1991) when it came out in because I shared the purchase of the CD with a friend because we weren't sure if we liked any of the other songs apart from Smells Like Teen Spirit. I had the CD for a couple of weeks and then passed it on to him. I'm not sure who has it now.

With the death of Taylor Hawkins, Dave Grohl's name must've come up a lot and somehow I started getting recommendations on YouTube for his interviews. So watching Dave Grohl's interviews reminded me of what a nice guy he is and what an interesting life he must have led.

This lead me to this book and since starting I haven't put it down, well actually, I listened to the audio recording read by Dave himself straight through.

One of the appealing things about Dave Grohl is how much of a fanboy he is and through his own music managed to meet and play with many of his childhood heroes. Just listening to him tell of how excited he was to meet them and how he bumped into them through amazing coincidences is really touching.

If you know who Dave Grohl is you should listen to this book. I laughed a lot and cried a little too. I just hope he is doing OK right now.