
"Stockholm, 1968. A thousand American deserters and draft-resisters are arriving to escape the war in …

Review of 'Operation chaos' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is firmly in the wacko and conspiracy shelf but I guess that it is all true. I didn't know anything about the Vietnam Deserters who fled to Sweden and the story soon descends into cult programming, Manchurian candidates, the hunt for the murderer of Olof Palme, the LaRouche cult - of which I knew also nothing - and the crazy machinations of the European Workers Party and their wacko conspiracies.

I plowed through this as an audiobook, it's interesting, well researched but such a bizarre story that I was just glad it was over in the end. All I can say is that they lived in interesting times. To make the most of it I would need to reread it, take notes and look up all the characters and events to get a grip on the background history of the period.