Josh Davidson, Angela Y. Davis, Sara Falconer: Rattling the Cages (2023, AK Press Distribution) No rating

The official story is that the United States has no political prisoners. The reality is …

I don’t think the process [of abolishing prisons] has started. I say this not as a critique but as an observation. If you want to tear something down, you get a sledgehammer, you get the tools for tearing it down; you don’t show up with a picket sign or a petition or a bullhorn. Nobody ever tore anything down with a bullhorn. That’s not to say those aren’t useful tools for what they do. They are. So if you want to raise consciousness and gain popular support and so on, those are useful. But that’s not tearing anything down. I think if you want to tear something down, if that is your goal, then you have to focus on the question of how to tear it down—not the question of how to get others to agree with you. Tearing it down is a simple process.

Rattling the Cages by , ,

Sean Swain