Kate Elliott: The Keeper's Six (Hardcover, 2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 3 stars

It’s been a year since Esther set foot in the Beyond, the alien landscape stretching …

Review of "The Keeper's Six" on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

A son gets kidnapped by a dragon and a mother and her superpowered crew go off to get him back. To do so, they traipse through various realms, spending most of their time in a place called the "Beyond" that reminded me a lot of the "Upside Down." Most of the text is dedicated to the project of worldbuilding, and there is plenty of that to go around. Frankly, it was a confusingly built world, with many different locations, specifics, and rules that made it difficult to keep track of or feel a part of or invested in.

I can't say that I really enjoyed this book and am grateful it was short. Everything from the action to the characters; the dialogue to the plot, felt clunky and forced, like jigsaw pieces that just wouldn't fit together properly. Little felt genuine, engaging, or even entertaining. While the author had creative ideas, I felt they didn't congeal into a workable whole. This is not a text I would recommend.