
reviewed The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu (The Three-Body Triology, #1)

Cixin Liu: The Three-Body Problem (Paperback, 2018, Head of Zeus) 4 stars

Within the context of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, a military project sends messages to alien …

Highly entertaining, a much better read than his views on Xinjiang.

4 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed this book (and the rest of the trilogy), always worry that I'm missing out with a translation, but I'm a fan of the translator, Ken Liu, an accomplished sci-fi writer in his own right (I would say better, actually). The story is highly imaginitive but still grounded in science, characters are perhaps a bit wooden but distinct, and I was surprised at the harsh depiction of the Cultural Revolution. I'm glad I read this before I read his interview defending the Xinjiang internment/genocide ("They're terrorists! We're giving them job training!"). Now I can barely stand to look at his book covers.