Alexandre Tefenkgi, Pornsak Pichetshote, Dave Johnson, Lee Loughridge: The Good Asian Vol. 1 (Paperback, 2021, Image Comics) 3 stars

Following Edison Harki, a haunted, self-loathing Chinese-American detective on the trail of a killer in …

Best noir with a Chinese-American protagonist

5 stars

This is a serviceable noir, good enough to look forward to volume 2, but the reason I'm giving it five stars is that not only does it depict the status of Chinese-Americans back in the day, it actually shows Chinese-Americans back in the day. My grandfather grew up in Seattle in the early 1900s but just a few days ago for the umpteenth time someone (a census taker no less) assumed I was from China, and then when I informed them I was born here, assumed my parents were from China. So read this comic and then read the epilogue which is a pretty informative history of Chinese-Americans and restrictive immigration and naturalization policies (not just toward Chinese, basically anyone not white, and who was considered white was also a matter of legal contention).