Grady Hendrix: The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires (Paperback, 2021, Quirk Books) 4 stars

Steel Magnolias meets Dracula in this '90s-set horror novel about a women's book club that …

The characters are great, and even the vampire has his moments, but otherwise the men are duds

4 stars

I resumed reading and actually managed to finish this book, which considering I'm not really into vampire stories or horror in general (I like Stephen King's writing but can't manage to get through one of this long long books), is a testament. What really moves it along are the characters portrayed humorously and sympathetically, singly and together, in a bit of a Desperate Housewives manner (with completely unreliable and cardboard character men as the counterparts) except when it gets really gross and violent, so I was in danger of stopping again close to the end, but I powered through to the somewhat satisfying and a little bit open-ended conclusion (I wouldn't be surprised if the author had visions of a Netflix series dancing in his head - Desperate Vampire-Killing Housewives?)