Isaac Asimov: Prelude to Foundation (Paperback, 1991, Bantam) 4 stars

It is the year 12,020 G.E. and Emperor Cleon I sits uneasily on the Imperial …

"[…] Dahl has the potential for making serious trouble. If the heatsinkers should go on strike, Trantor would experience a severe energy shortage almost at once... with all that that implies. However, Dahl's own upper classes will spend money to hire the hoodlums of Billibotton - and of other places - to fight the heatsinkers and break the strike. It has happened before. The Empire allows some Dahlites to prosper - comparatively - in order to convert them into Imperialist lackeys, while it refuses to enforce the arms-control laws effectively enough to weaken the criminal element.”

Prelude to Foundation by  (Foundation, #6) (Page 389)