Reviews and Comments
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tflop rated Ego is the enemy: 4 stars

Ego is the enemy by Ryan Holiday
Many of us insist the main impediment to a full, successful life is the outside world. In fact, the most …
tflop rated Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: 5 stars

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig
"The real cycle you're working on is a cycle called 'yourself.'"One of the most important and influential books of the …
tflop rated 21 Lessons for the 21st Century: 3 stars

21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
In Sapiens, he explored our past. In Homo Deus, he looked to our future. Now, one of the most innovative …
tflop rated The genius of birds: 3 stars

The genius of birds by Jennifer Ackerman
"Birds are astonishingly intelligent creatures. In fact, according to revolutionary new research, some birds rival primates and even humans in …
tflop rated Moral Tribes: 4 stars

Moral Tribes by Joshua David Greene
Our brains were designed for tribal life, for getting along with a select group of others (Us) and for fighting …
tflop rated The Origins of Order: 4 stars
tflop rated O grande mentecapto: 5 stars
tflop rated The Evolution of Cooperation: 3 stars

The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod
The Evolution of Cooperation is a 1984 book by political scientist Robert Axelrod that expanded a highly influential paper of …
tflop rated The Computational Beauty of Nature: 3 stars

The Computational Beauty of Nature by Gary William Flake
Gary William Flake develops in depth the simple idea that recurrent rules can produce rich and complicated behaviors.
In this …
tflop rated Penguin India Essential Chomsky: 4 stars
tflop rated Hyperbole and a Half: 4 stars

Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh
Collects autobiographical, illustrated essays and cartoons from the author's popular blog and related new material that humorously and candidly deals …
tflop rated Diversity and complexity: 5 stars