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TheGr8Whoopdini Locked account

Joined 4 years ago

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avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted

Representative Democracy was an experiment that the world only started trying a mere 250 years ago. We can conclude that other forces have become too strong for it (the driving forces of patriarchy and capitalism, and everything that comes from it: big tech / misogyny / etc). It is time we start implementing new forms of democracy. Deliberative democracy (without elections!) being the most promising one.

avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted
avatar for thegr8whoopdini TheGr8Whoopdini boosted