Tilde Lowengrimm commented on Gnomon by Nick Harkaway
When I was considering Gnomon as my next read, my mind was on the structure: a robust and intricate edifice of different things assembled together into a single whole. But now, back in it, I am remembering how large and bombastic the characters in the recollections/interview are. I'm listening to an audio edition right now, but even reading text I could hear their very distinct voices leaping off the page (screen).
It's also deeply satisfying to re-read a book which has a puzzle-box aspect to it and see the well-laid pieces. On subsequent readings, it almost feels like the author has left bright neon signposts towards the natural conclusion. But that's how a good mystery works: convoluted in prospect and obvious in retrospect.
This is the sort of self-important overly-complicated too-clever-by-half book I want to hate and write off or throw back into the author's (presumably) smug overly-clever face. But …
When I was considering Gnomon as my next read, my mind was on the structure: a robust and intricate edifice of different things assembled together into a single whole. But now, back in it, I am remembering how large and bombastic the characters in the recollections/interview are. I'm listening to an audio edition right now, but even reading text I could hear their very distinct voices leaping off the page (screen).
It's also deeply satisfying to re-read a book which has a puzzle-box aspect to it and see the well-laid pieces. On subsequent readings, it almost feels like the author has left bright neon signposts towards the natural conclusion. But that's how a good mystery works: convoluted in prospect and obvious in retrospect.
This is the sort of self-important overly-complicated too-clever-by-half book I want to hate and write off or throw back into the author's (presumably) smug overly-clever face. But I don't! It's good actually! All the complicated Pro Literature Moves actually work! The multi-layer meta-textual self-referential multi-narrative doesn't feel like a show-off when I'm reading it; it feels like a great book with interesting things to say and room to make me think. I hate how good it is but I love it.