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Joined 7 months, 4 weeks ago

How is it going? I like to read books that will help me create less suffering in this world. That can be biographies to find inspiration, fiction to get away from reality for a bit, educational so I can teach others about hard topics. If I follow or engage with you it's because I like what you read or review.

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tree_portal's books

Currently Reading

finished reading Saturn by Robert Hand

Liz Greene, Robert Hand: Saturn (Paperback, 2021, Red Wheel/Weiser) No rating

Saturn’s darker persona is recognized universally in myth and fairytale. In this classic astrology text, …

I didn't read the last part of it because I wasn't very interested. I don't think it was necessary for me to read it based on the structure of the book. I was primarily interested in the energies Saturns gives off based on signs/houses and not the transits.