Reviews and Comments


Joined 3 years, 9 months ago

I like everything about this place, even though I have never been here, and know nothing about the area

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Ok, paused the reading of this one for now. Got boring after Basil I reign and circling with 100 pages of iconoclasm and bickering about theology and lack of sources. Book is really interesting and light reading, I wish the author could pause more often on the narrative and focus on certain topics, but I understand he's constrained by the length of the period.

Tulio Halperín Donghi: Revolución y Guerra (Hardcover, Español language, 2002, Siglo XXI) No rating

Clásico indiscutible de la historiografía argentina contemporánea, Revolución y Guerra aborda la trama de múltiples …

I love how this book goes from going trough very dense, prolonged explanations of the relationships between the revolutionary junta of Buenos Aires and the rest of the country, the army, the socio-economic repercussions...and then starts on likewise lenghty rambles on the downfall of esoteric fraternal organizations and the bankruptcy of deranged bussinessmen. Makes for an insightful yet dense read.

finished reading Argentina: de la conquista a la independencia by Carlos Sempat Assadourian (Biblioteca Argentina de Historia y Política, #1)

Carlos Sempat Assadourian: Argentina: de la conquista a la independencia (Hardcover, Español language, 1986, Hyspamerica) No rating

El presente volumen, publicado originalmente en el marco de la Historia Argentina que dirigió Tulio …

Would recomend it just for the fact that it contains plenty of well done maps and demographic information that would otherwise be scattered across many publications on the period. Solid general cover of the colonial period, altough short on the early pre-viceroyalty and pre-colonial periods (understandable given how underdeveloped archeology is on these eras)