Trubalix rated Drachenregen: 4 stars

Drachenregen by Sakuhiro (Drachenregen)
Ame no Harunada no Mikoto, der Sohn des Drachengottes, holt sich während einer familiären Krise Hilfe aus dem Kasumiro, einem …
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Ame no Harunada no Mikoto, der Sohn des Drachengottes, holt sich während einer familiären Krise Hilfe aus dem Kasumiro, einem …
Renowned astronomer Maggie Hill is giving a lecture about her career, to inspire young women to work in science. She's …
No. 6 is a Japanese novel series written by Atsuko Asano and published by Kodansha in nine volumes between October …
No. 6 is a Japanese novel series written by Atsuko Asano and published by Kodansha in nine volumes between October …
A provacative graphic memoir perfect for fans of Allie Brosh's Solutions and Other Problems
La especulación inmobiliaria y esas cafeterías ridículas llenas de hípsters están cargándose el barrio a pasos agigantados. Lofts para modernos, …
Why resisting climate change means combatting the fossil fuel industry
The science on climate change has been clear for a …
Traduttore, traditore: An act of translation is always an act of betrayal. 1828. Robin Swift, orphaned by cholera in Canton, …