Connie Willis: Blackout (2010, Spectra Ballantine Books) 4 stars

When a time-travel lab suddenly cancels assignments for no apparent reason and switches around everyone's …

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At her reading in Portland, she said that after Doomsday Book, she was asked to put a body count warning label on her book jackets. She said that Blackout's body count is higher than To Say Nothing About the Dog, but lower than Doomsday. That's quite accurate. Even though the body count isn't very high (remember, it is WWII) she does a great job of building suspense as you go from the satire of chaotic academic bureaucracy in Oxford to the historians' assignments in WWII. I felt really immersed in that 1940s world, without any sense whatsoever of 'As you know, Bob.' Great stuff.[return][return]I am now, at least a bit, on tenterhooks until All Clear comes out in the fall.