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unimatrix420's books

Currently Reading

finished reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (The Stormlight Archive, #1)

Brandon Sanderson: The Way of Kings (Hardcover, 2010, Tor) 4 stars

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings, book one …

The world created in this series is immersive and magnificent! I was skeptical when my husband first recommended the series to me, but I'm so glad I relented! Sanderson writes as if retelling a non-fictional history, rich with different species, languages and cultures. It is filled with theological and philosophical debate and the words flow together like a song. What I especially loved was the length of the book -- this first one is a slow burn, because it is setting up the world and introducing us to all the various facets of it, as well as all of its mysteries. I highly recommend this read!!