Robert Douglas: Whose Turn For The Stairs (Headline Book Publishing) 4 stars

This is an utterly charming story about twelve families and their tightly knit street in …


4 stars

Charming, if quite anodyne, tale of life in a Glasgow tenement in the immediate post-WWII period. Outside of those - like myself - who have a link to [Glasgow] tenement life, perhaps this is more interest for its historical aspects. Yeah there's a little "poverty, religious bigotry, racism, heartbreak, lies, violence, and death" but its mostly quite ...cosy. There's a rank bad yin, whom to call one-dimensional would be to grossly overstate his depth. Potentially interesting storylines are often resolved too quickly and without any great drama. Still, it rattles along and the author provides plenty of verisimilitude. I'll happily look out for the sequels. With a little tinkering would make a decent TV miniseries.