Carole McDonnell, Hannibal Tabu, Zig Zag Claybourne, John Jennings, Minister Faust, Gerald Coleman, Violette L Meier, Ronald Jones, Donovan Hall, Nathaniel Wells, Jarla Tangh, T.C. Morgan, Ashleigh Davenport, Kyoko M, K. Ceres Wright, Milton Davis, Balogun Ojetade, Eugen Bacon, Nicole Givens Kurtz: Cyberfunk! (​MVmedia, LLC) No rating

This collection of short stories really gives the cyberpunk genre the kick in the pants it needs. No more high-tech low-life white guy living a sad existence, but still somehow exalted as the protagonist. Instead, there is a breath of perseverance through the oppressive, often hyper capitalized system.