Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl (Paperback, Broadway Books) 4 stars

On a summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy's fifth wedding …

Felt like sci fi

5 stars

As a gay trans non-binary person who has never engaged in heterosexuality, reading this book felt like reading a work of science fiction about an alien civilization. It was fun, and sometimes depressing, but most of the times I was baffled by the depictions of men, women and their marriages. I felt like I was watching a David Attenborough documentary on straight cis people. I did double takes and I had to double check with my straight friends. (According to them, apparently sometimes it kinda is like that, but the machiavellianism is less elaborate?)

Overall, a fun read with despisable characters that I had a hard time understanding, but I think that's on me. The real villain of the book was heteronormativity, and the real victim was Detective Boney.