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Doug Abrams, B. J. Fogg: Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything (2019, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) 4 stars

Review of 'Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything' on 'LibraryThing'

4 stars

I wrote about Tiny Habits in 2011 before this book came outreturnreturn"Grand resolutions vs tiny habits" emphasizes that Tiny Habits is not about accomplishingreturnenormous start-of-year ambitious tasks, but instead looks to teach you to changereturnsmall things about your routines. Of course a series of small changes can havereturnoutsized impact over time! It's just a question of starting somewhere attainable.returnreturnI am also reminded of Karl Weick's "Small Wins" (1984):returnreturn"A small win is a concrete, complete outcome of moderate importance. By itself, one small win may seem unimportant. A series of small wins at small but significant tasks, however, reveals a pattern that may attract allies, deter opponents, and lower resistance to subsequent proposals. A series of small wins is also more structurally sound than a large win because small wins are stable building blocks. Small wins are controllable opportunities that produce visible results. Once a small win has been accomplished, forces …