Luce Irigaray: Sharing the Fire (Paperback, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan) No rating

Hegel does not imagine that the internal unity with which sexuation can provide us represents a for-oneself but also a for-the-other, no side of which can be overcome by/in the other. Indeed, there is no contradiction in this duality of the for-oneself and the for-the-other, and it must be maintained in order that desire should exist and its strength make effective our sexuate identity.

Sharing the Fire by  (Page 56)

It is hard to continue reading sexuate here, as non-cis readers of Irigaray must, as meaning “at least two (genders).” How can any pair of at least two produce an “internal unity”? I want to believe, but I also don’t wish to delude myself.