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Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

anarchist/relationships antiwork/pro thought philosophy/existentialism absurdism/surrealism prioritize art/prioritize sloth

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wizard145's books

To Read



A Critical Analysis of the 2020 Revolt against the Dictatorship in Belarus FROM an anarchist …

superb informational and accurate depiction of the revolutionary events in belarus in 2020. published by an independent anarchist collective Прамень where all of their publications and resources are available at

This booklet looks at the work of the first Romanian anarcha-feminist collectiive LoveKills and other …

awesome historical context to the anarcho feminist movements in post soviet romania. touching, potent and worth the read. the collective that originally published this has all of their works in hungarian, english, french and german on their original distribution website

cool anarcho punk read on the ties between the scenes and veganism. lots of historical context and first person interviews, too much for me but cool historical piece.

Anarcho sourced zine on one persons experience with quitting alcohol


2 stars

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