
reviewed Wicca: a guide for the solitary practitioner by Scott Cunningham (Llewellyn's practical magick series)

Scott Cunningham: Wicca (2004, Llewellyn Publications) 4 stars

Outlines the basic theory and practice of the Earth-oriented religion known as Wicca, and describes …

Kind of direct, but that makes it feel more genuine

4 stars

This the third 1980s/1990s era intro to Wicca book in a row that I've read, and Scott Cunningham feels the most genuine of the group. I think what I appreciate the most about Scott Cunningham is that there are some things that truly matter to him - namely ecological responsibility and how it ties to a nature focused religion. He gives some forms of rituals and practice, which are fine, but it was refreshing to see someone tying what they believe to something concrete and real. A lot of this kind of literature is so ethereal that nothing seems to matter - empty ritual for the sake of empty ritual. While Cunningham doesn't dictate what the reader should or shouldn't do, he does give some ethical edge to why he does things.