Steven Erikson: Deadhouse Gates (Hardcover, 2008, Paw Prints 2008-05-09) 4 stars

Deadhouse Gates is an epic fantasy novel by Canadian writer Steven Erikson, the second in …

Review of 'Deadhouse Gates' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is not really a review just a re-post of my closing comments on my second read from the Buddy Books & Baubles buddy read. Thanks guys for motivating me to keep going. Because this book/series is so worth it!

A word of warning: if you don't do tragedies & sad stories, don't read this. The book is a saga of heartbreak of hopes that are not fulfilled of abysses to fall into with just a few bright lights in between that do not suffice to lift the darkness. The amount of death in this book in all its gory details is staggering.

A point of criticism: the pacing particularly in the middle made for slow reading. It's been a while since I needed a month for a book and ended up finishing it.

Nevertheless as follows a few pieces I really enjoyed and that make up for all the dread produced by the Chain of Dogs.

A few favorite scenes / plot elements

One of my favorite scenes it the one that has Coltaine punch Gesler in the face. "they're almost ascended all 3 of them [and Coltaine]", even as Nether observes this I thought how Gesler's attitude mirrored that of Whiskyjack and Fiddler - who ends up re-enlisting at the end of the book - as the quintessential empire soldiers ...

Another is Cotillion talking to Apt and introducing himself as "Uncle Cotillion" and his talk of a daughter with whom he had a falling out and who has yet to forgive him. Also somewhere it is said he "never killed for money, he thought of himself as someone who fixes things" -> an interesting window into how he views himself

Kalam, basically everything he does in this book. But most of all his fight through Malaz city after Pearl pushes him overboard. "Not even Dancer would have taken him on." Go Kalam! Also fascinating is his decision to not pursue Laseen further.

Apsalar, and her jumble of memories always make great scenes. Great twist how she retains both Cotillions/Dancers memories and his muscle memory obviously

I believe Fiddler is my favorite character in this book especially Quick Ben sending him a few more munitions as goody <3 (of course the strange engineers in Coltains army are an extension of my fascination with Malazan sappers and Fiddler in particular, I never knew what a sapper was until I first read Malazan)

Probably underrated: Iskaral Pust. His crazy rants are such fun reads ... or listens - the audiobook voices really shine for all characters.

The hounds accompanying Fiddler & friends into the Azath.

Two historians - Duiker & Heboric - accompanying the two major subplots of this book

The whole book is an on-going heartbreak. In nearly every story line:
the breaking and "reforging" of Felisin (including the deaths of Kulp and Baudin)
The Chain of Dogs ... most of all the desparate final stand Duiker is watching from Aren, one keeps hoping ...
Mappo and Icarium and just when I thought it was all horrible enough comes that final tidbit about how the elders blamed the destruction of Mappos village on Icarium to bind them together

Characters from this book I hope to see come back:
Stormy, Gesler and Truth
Apsalar (strictly speaking she's from the previous book but only emerges as Apsalar here)
Iskaral Pust
highly unlikely: Baudin + Kulp.

I have a severe dislike for Felisin. Why is that? She has suffered a horrible fate. But somehow I can't empathize with her at all. Why is this? Corollary: I don't really like Heboric either.