
reviewed Traitor's blade by Sebastien De Castell (The Greatcoats -- 1)

Sebastien De Castell: Traitor's blade (2014, Jo Fletcher Books) 4 stars

Falcio is the first Cantor of the Greatcoats. Trained in the fighting arts and the …

Review of "Traitor's blade" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It's been some time that I was hooked so badly on a book. I should have done more updates with quotes along the way because there were so many memorable ones.
"I am an archer [...] that's like a swordsman only faster."

Falcio, Brasti and Kest are three very different characters, that imbue their somewhat strange names with so much meaning. I love Falcios black humor, Kest's strange non-humor and Brastis brashness.

Also the plot is quite interesting and the flashbacks are well-done in the way they always connect to what is going on in the main-timeline. Most of the plot-twists aren't that big of a surprise I kind of expected that one reveal about who the assassin (from scene one) was from the beginning but how that fit into the bigger picture still surprised me.

I can't wait to get started with the next book.

Edit: This is how I tried to sell the book to a friend
"It's a fantasy version of the 3 Musketeers. And the three guys are totally adorable. It's got everything: cute guys, black humor, evil nobles, sword fighting (maybe a little too much of that), delusions of grandeur and a "grand quest" ...."