Zelse reviewed Slow bullets by Alastair Reynolds
"A vast conflict, one that has encompassed hundreds of worlds and solar systems, appears to …
Review of 'Slow bullets' on 'Goodreads'
Featured on an episode of the delightful if at times very smugly snotty podcast "I Don't Even Own a Television", Slow Bullets is a nice little soft sci-fi novella about a prison ship in a very dire situation. Alistair Reynolds enjoys his grimdark stories and this is no exception, but it's a short and enjoyable little glimpse into a world in great peril. There's a bit of a smug anti-religiousness that some people might find grating, but I felt it was tempered by having characters observe that there were positive things brought to the table by the "believer" faction as well. On the whole, if you enjoyed Revelation Space this is worth a quick read. If you've never read anything by Reynolds though, I'd suggest starting with something else.