Pat Cadigan

Author details

Patricia Oren Kearney Cadigan, Pat Cadigan, Пэт Кэдиган, and 1 other パット キャディガン
Sept. 10, 1953

External links

Pat Cadigan is an American-born science fiction author, who broke through as a major writer as part of the cyberpunk movement. Her early novels and stories all shared a common theme, exploring the relationship between the human mind and technology.

Her first novel, Mindplayers, introduced what became a common theme to all her works. Her stories blurred the line between reality and perception by making the human mind a real and explorable place. Her second novel, Synners, expanded upon the same theme, and featured a future where direct access to the mind via technology was in fact possible.

She has won a number of awards, including the prestigious Arthur C. Clarke Award twice,in 1992, and 1995 for her novels Synners and Fools.

She currently lives in London, England with her family

Books by Pat Cadigan

Pat Cadigan: Fools (1992, Spectra) 4 stars



Pat Cadigan: Synners (2001, Four Walls Eight Windows) 4 stars



韩松, 陈楸帆, 万象峰年, 赵垒, 昼温, 唐骋, 郭嘉灵, 刘洋, 郝赫, Robert J.Steinberg, Garry Westfall, Pat Cadigan, Paul Macaulay, Karry Robson, Iriat de Paulda, Ian McDonald, Ready Prayer, Terry Bison, Ted Cosmatka: 未来人不存在 (2019, 作家出版社) 4 stars


by , , , and 16 others

Pat Cadigan: Alita (Hardcover, 2019, Titan Books) No rating

