Gerald Malcolm Durrell, (7 January 1925 – 30 January 1995) was a British naturalist, writer, zookeeper, conservationist, and television presenter. He founded the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Jersey Zoo on the Channel Island of Jersey in 1959. His memoirs of his family's years living in Greece were adapted into two television series (My Family and Other Animals, 1987, and The Durrells, 2016–2019) and one television film (My Family and Other Animals, 2005). He wrote approximately forty books, mainly about his life as an animal collector and enthusiast, the most famous being My Family and Other Animals (1956). He was the youngest brother of novelist Lawrence Durrell.
Gerald Durrell
Author details
- Aliases:
Dž Darrell, Джеральд Даррелл, Džeral'd Darrell, and 34 others
ჯერალდ დარელი, ג'ראלד דארל, Dzheral'd Darrell, G Darel, جرالد دورل, ג׳ראלד מלקולם דארל, ג'רלד דארל, Джеральд Даррел, Д Даррелл, Дж Даррелл, Джэральд Дарэл, Gerald M. Durrell, G. M. Durrell, Dzjerald Darrell, Джералд Даръл, Durrell, Džerald Darel, G. Darel, Τζέραλντ Ντάρελ, Џералд Дарел, ジェラルド ダレル, Geraldus Milcolumbus Durrell, Даррелл, G. Darrell, Джеральд Даррель, Gerald M Durrell, G Darrell, Gerald Durrell, ജെറാൾഡ് ഡ്യൂറൽ, ジェラルド・ダレル, Džeralds Darels, ג'רלד דרל, Gerald Malcolm Durrell, Gerry Durrell - Born:
- Jan. 7, 1925
- Died:
- Jan. 30, 1995