Arnon Grunberg

Author details

Marek : van der Jagt, ארנון גרונברג, Marek ban nter Giacht, and 15 others Arnon Grünberg, Marek VanDerJagt, Arnon Grunberg, Arnon Yasha Yves Grunberg, Marek Van der Jagt, Marek van der Jagt, Jagt, Arnon Grjunberg, Ван дер Ягт, آرنن خرونبرخ, מרק ון דר יכט, Marek van DerJagt, Арнон Грюнберг, ارنون غرونبيرغ, Marek van Der Jagt
Jan. 6, 1971

External links

Author Arnon Yasha Yves Grunberg was born in Amsterdam in 1971. He lives and works in New York City.

He writes reports, book reviews, columns and essays for the Dutch newspapers NRC Handelsblad and de Volkskrant, a monthly column for the Belgian magazine Humo (The Mailbox of Arnon Grunberg), for Wordt Vervolgd, the Dutch magazine of Amnesty International, and the magazine Vrij Nederland (Grunberg Helps), and a weekly column for the magazine VPRO Gids.

Regularly he publishes essays and stories in literary magazine Hollands Maandblad.

Grunberg also wrote a blog for the online literary magazine Words Without Borders from 2005 till 2010.

He contributed to for example The New York Times, The Times of London, L'Espresso, Internazionale, Aftonbladet, Tages-Anzeiger, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Standard, Die Welt, Die Zeit, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, SonntagsZeitung, Libération, Courrier International, Culture + Travel,, n+1 Magazine and Bookforum. ([source][1])


Books by Arnon Grunberg