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Lissa Price: Starters (French language, 2012)

452 pages

French language

Published May 1, 2012

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3 stars (5 reviews)

Sixteen-year-old Callie, having lost every family member besides her little brother when a genocide spore killed all of those who were not vaccinated, thinks she has found a way to support them by renting her body to seniors who want to be young again, but after a neurochip malfunction results in her being stuck in the life of her rich renter, she uncovers the horrible plan of her boss and must race against time to stop it.

2 editions

Review of 'Starters' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Full review on Reader's Dialogue:

book has got it all!! From gripping emotion, to thrilling action and suspense, complete with lush details and technical brilliance, it's a masterpiece!

First, I'm going to gush about the emotional connection. I completely connected with Callie right from the start, and stayed emotionally attached to her throughout the whole book. And her own emotions are so life-size, so real and overwhelming, that I felt them right along with her - the confusion, the betrayal, the moral dilemmas, the determination, the courage. Added to that, the cast of characters is utterly amazing. Every single one is a full character - down to Trax, the body bank technician, who appears only briefly for two scenes. The good guys, the bad guys - they're all completely fleshed out, no stock characters here! I whole-heartedly loved all Callie's friends and allies, and whole-heartedly hated …

Review of 'Starters' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Hunger Games a ouvert le filon, aux autres de s’y engouffrer joyeusement, car la dystopie jeunesse est dans le vent !

Au stade du premier volume lu, je peux dire que Starters m’emballe un peu moins que Hunger Games. L’univers décrit ne manque pas, à mon sens, d’originalité. Suite à une guerre dévastatrice les seuls survivants sont les moins de 20 ans et les gens âgés, la population non vaccinée ayant succombé aux virus mortels propagés durant les conflits. Livrés à eux-mêmes, les adolescents et les enfants survivent dans une misère noire avec la menace permanente d’être internés par les forces de l’ordre qui les poussent ainsi à vivre cachés. L’écart entre les riches et les pauvres, les jeunes et les vieux est un gouffre abyssal et deux univers se côtoient en prenant soin de s’ignorer. Les jeunes ont l’interdiction de travailler, laissant ainsi à la vieillesse dorée le loisir …

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