Last One

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Alexandra Oliva: Last One (2016, Penguin Books, Limited)

352 pages

English language

Published Feb. 26, 2016 by Penguin Books, Limited.

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3 stars (10 reviews)

6 editions

I know writers NALGENE need sponsors NALGENE sometimes but NALGENE it gets irritating

1 star

I actually managed to NALGENE finish this advert for NALGENE after having to look up NALGENE because it sounds like a NALGENE suppository or something. Apparently it's a brand of water bottle. Who the NALGENE hell came up with that name? Really grates after a while and puts you off the story. Not nearly as much as the constant references to everyone's skin colour, sounds really forced and has absolutely nothing to do with the story, like an inexperienced editor has shoved it in there to try and make the book more appealing, but it ends up just making us realise how weird Americans are about skin colour. Shame cos the story was NALGENE, I mean quite good NALGENE

Review of 'The Last One' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

"THE LAST ONE" by Alexandra Olivia. A fun if disturbing read (lots of corpses) about a woman competing in a survival reality show who doesn't know the apocalypse came and wiped out most of the world. It is, if nothing else, a lesson to be nice to people even if you think they are actors.

I really enjoyed this one - there are almost two books going on here. The first is about the show, with enough details about Reality Shows behind the scenes to be a lot of fun for those who watch them, and the second is an interesting story from the point of view of a character who is slowly descending into madness. The main character, Zoo, threads them together and keeps you turning pages even when you're almost too grossed out to want to.

Note: new parents might want to wait until their kids are a …

Review of 'The Last One' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Not quite what I was expecting and not quite as good as I was hoping. Despite alluding to the contrary in the summary, we the reader know what is real and what isn't from page 1. I feel like if the author had left that a mystery until later then this novel would have been a bit more compelling, but even knowing what was going on it was still an interesting read. Just not an amazing one.

I didn't really like any of the characters, not even the main character, Zoo and the story dragged a little about 60% of the way through. I feel like it suffered from having maybe too many characters to focus on and it became more of a "this person did this and that person did that" narrative and less about what people were feeling or thinking. The survivors in the show weren't even referred …

Review of 'Last One' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I loved the concept of The Last One; what if you were taking part in a reality show and something happened to the outside world, something big, and you were oblivious? What if you assumed everything you heard was just part of the show? The very first page shows the reader something Zoo doesn’t, that a deadly disease takes down the production crew; that the contestants are on their own.

The chapters alternate between the filming of the show, In the Dark, and the present from the perspective of one contestant, named Zoo by the producers. She’s not on the show for the money but instead she wants one last adventure, one last bit of irresponsibility, before she settles down and starts a family, a family she’s not sure she’s ready for. We learn a little about her background, but not much, and it focuses mostly on how happy she …

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  • Single women, fiction
  • Fiction, suspense
  • Fiction, psychological