White Fragility

Why Understanding Racism Can Be So Hard for White People

280 pages

English language

Published May 14, 2022 by Beacon Press.

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4 stars (11 reviews)

7 editions

Review of 'White Fragility' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Av de seks bøkene jeg har lest om rasisme i høst, er dette den mest uinteressante selv om den ser ut til å være den mest uttalte og den store bestselgeren. Det er ikke det at jeg ikke kjøper premissene, jeg innser at selv om jeg egentlig vil nekte for det, så er jeg som del av et rasistisk system medskyldig, så betyr det ikke at jeg liker innpakningen kritikken får. Torkjell Brekke beskylte i Morgenbladet sammenligner CRT-bevegelsen med religiøse bevegelser, noe jeg har vanskelig for å forstå, men når jeg leser DiAngelo får jeg samme følelsen som når jeg leser Ole Hallesbys "Fra Bønnens verden". Sistnevnte bok tar fra meg all lyst til å be, på grunn av sin stereotypifisering i et unødvendig tungt språk der jeg tvinges inni båser jeg ikke kjenner meg hjemme.
Og da kan man jo si at nettopp dette bekrefter DiAngelos påstand, hvite er …

Review of 'White Fragility' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

In [b:White Fragility|43708708|White Fragility Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism|Robin DiAngelo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548478235l/43708708.SY75.jpg|58159636], [a:Robin DiAngelo|5283261|Robin DiAngelo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1537729933p2/5283261.jpg] asks white people to reconsider what racism is, and how we help to perpetuate it in spite of our good intentions.

Racism, as DiAngelo uses the word, does not mean the explicit pro­fes­sion that there are es­sen­tial­ly dif­fer­ent human races and that some are better than others. That, she says, is an un­so­phis­ti­ca­ted folk de­fi­ni­tion of racism (I’ll call that “racism[F]”).

The de­fi­ni­tion she prefers (what I’ll call “racism[S]”) is that racism[S] is a sys­tem­ic, usual­ly (now­a­days) non-ex­pli­cit or eu­phem­is­tic, often sub­con­scious, in­ter­lock­ing and per­va­sive set of social, cultural, and political devices that reinforce white supremacy. Racism[S] is impossible to avoid. It’s everywhere, and is drilled into everyone in a multitude of ways, day in and day out.

“White fragility” is one of these devices. White fragility is a …

Review of 'White Fragility' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

In [b:White Fragility|43708708|White Fragility Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism|Robin DiAngelo|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1548478235l/43708708.SY75.jpg|58159636], [a:Robin DiAngelo|5283261|Robin DiAngelo|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1537729933p2/5283261.jpg] asks white people to reconsider what racism is, and how we help to perpetuate it in spite of our good intentions.

Racism, as DiAngelo uses the word, does not mean the explicit pro­fes­sion that there are es­sen­tial­ly dif­fer­ent human races and that some are better than others. That, she says, is an un­so­phis­ti­ca­ted folk de­fi­ni­tion of racism (I’ll call that “racism[F]”).

The de­fi­ni­tion she prefers (what I’ll call “racism[S]”) is that racism[S] is a sys­tem­ic, usual­ly (now­a­days) non-ex­pli­cit or eu­phem­is­tic, often sub­con­scious, in­ter­lock­ing and per­va­sive set of social, cultural, and political devices that reinforce white supremacy. Racism[S] is impossible to avoid. It’s everywhere, and is drilled into everyone in a multitude of ways, day in and day out.

“White fragility” is one of these devices. White fragility is a …

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